Sunday 25 May 2014

Intuition - Advantages and Disadvantages

Some Advantages of Intuition :

Allow you a possible understanding of how a situation may pan out

Allow you to make safe relationships with those that are compatible with you

Bring you closer to your Inner Truth

Give you a sense of direction in life

Allow you to walk with confidence and courage

To have an inner strength that you consult with

Connect you to your Divine Soul in Source/ Heaven

To assist you in realising that you are 'not alone'

Some disadvantages to Intuition

Clarity is not always assumed

Confusion between what you are intuiting vs your Ego mind

It takes some time to build up trust in it

Learn by acting on your intuition but takes faith

Not learned in daily human life in a school but through experience

It is a pathway in developing your intuition lovelies - and it can take some time, trial and error and belief that you are not imagining things that are occurring around you. This can be effected by your social and inner beliefs - especially regard to Self . But remember - everyone has the ability to build on their intuition and is not for just the 'special'

So what do you think, some of the Positives and Negatives of Intuition are for you ?

Phoenix Paton

Thursday 22 May 2014

The Need to Be All for Others - Why do we do this?

There are many reasons why many of us feel the need to help others

  • Because it is our life's purpose
  • Because we have a void we are trying to fill in feeling worthy
  • Because we feel that we have the answers 
  • Because we do not like feeling bad so we make others feel good
  • to give us a sense of a purpose
  • because it comes so naturally

Thing is though - from many harsh personal lessons - I have learned over and over and over (took me a while to learn ) that;

1) I cannot fix everyone - they have their own life to lead
2) that everyone is well within their own rights to create their own issues and reality
3) they people do not learn the lesson if you keep giving freely - they will repeat a possible bad cycle
4) that we are not here to fix people - we are here to experience with people and learn from each other
5) that you cannot give effectively to others if you - yourself - is empty. Once again it is just you trying to fill a void of worthiness

take from the above what you feel is right of course. But In watching two healers working with an elderly couple one day - the female was terminal (cancer) the husband was heart broken and wanted her 'fixed'. In watch it appeared the healers were doing more for the husband rather than the wife. Everyone has their own experience and lesson and although we can help - we cannot or should not take away that which is not for someones highest good.... otherwise they just return to experience a similar pattern of life (if that makes sense)

If people want to change and grow and develop they will , regardless of what input you have - sure you may provide ideas and loving support - but their journey is driven by them

Phoenix Paton
Phoenix Spiritual Connection

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Intuitive is Your Experience

Intuition comes in various forms - generally / specifically within your life - and also through Seeing , Hearing , Feeling , Knowing , Smelling , touching , - can you see what I am doing here - I am naming the many 'Clairs' that is out there

Clairvoyance - see
Clairaudient - hear
Clair empathy - feel
Clairsentient - know
Clair scent - smell
Clairangency- touch

Everyone has one that is the strongest - but with time and practice and adopting and taking notice each and everyone will come into strength as you grow in your intuition

If I was to ask you - to point to where you think your intuition comes from within your physical body - where would it be?

Many will point to their solar plexus / or mid abdomen - and they would be right

Others maybe will point to their third eye - very good very good - and they would be right

Or you will go for the lower gut - where you have that gut feeling - Ohhh yep - there is a very good place and it works there too

Everywhere is right because you know what - your whole physical body is a conduit for message both outside and inside. When I say outside - I am talking about peoples aura and their external energy that they radiate which brings messages in and out. And what occurs within dependent on the type of person you are and how you operate.

There is no right or wrong - some may here that little voice in their head or on their shoulders - others feel that emotional pull that stems mid abdomen

So when you become aware of how you receive messages that stimulate your intuition then you will grow but I digress that is later on in the week.

Soooo where is YOURS lovelies

Phoenix Paton
Phoenix spiritual connection

Intuitive Journey

We may all take different paths to where our intuition is leading us. I totally immerse myself in my spirituality and intuitive growth and development - conversely my lovely partner would prefer to remain pleasantly unaware at the moment and I am currently trying to work with that to ensure that we remain true to each other on this journey

You will get some people who are strongly intuitive yet they have people in their lives that are almost the complete opposite OR if they are lucky they will have someone that will walk hand in hand on the same path complimenting each other along the way. That is relevant to our current soul lessons that we are here to learn.

But I do believe that we can unite as One along our eclectic journey discovering amazing things through intuition whether we call it a Higher connection - or the inner voice within. Go with what feels comfortable for you - at this current moment. You may find things change and you may push yourself harder to increase your intuition. You may even have times when you want to hide away from the information that you are getting and your shields go up big time and you retreat.

either way - this is YOUR journey , which is under YOUR control by YOUR choices - so enjoy the path and if you are able to bring Intuition to Light in your life - then may it be with LOVE - always

Do you have people in your life that you connect with along your intuitive journey ? or struggle with those close to you ?

How do you make this work for you / all those involved

So now that we know we have Intuition - what does it feel like?

Well because we all experience things in our own ways - you will perhaps have different ways of identifying with it, connecting to it, understanding it, and making it a part of you.

Intuition comes in differing waves of intensity - to a niggling feeling in the back of your mind, or a full blown 'spidey sense' wave of energy that goes over your entire body.

There are those that go through life not really knowing that they are receiving messages from all different energy sources that surround them. And that their intuition - something that everyone has - is listening and determining possible action/reaction/outcome for the energy received. If it is important your intuition will relay messages for your conscious mind to make sense of however your conscious mind is not always a willing participant in 'listening

Everyone is on a different evolutionary path when it comes to embracing Intuition within their lives and that all comes down to choice and perhaps belief. But everyone is very capable of growing their intuition if they can work through the various barriers that may be in place through social or life conditioning.

Are you ready to embrace your intuition - let’s see who how many are ready to affirm this.... and say YES I AM!

Phoenix Paton
Phoenix Spiritual Connection

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Identifying your Primary Intuitive Sense

I wrote this last year - this is about identifying your Primary Intuitive sense. Some of you will have some that are very strong and obvious, others will have 1-2 that stand out! Have a read and share what you believe you are currently   <3

Are you a thinker or Knowing Intuitive ?

Those that have an inate sense of knowing will almost get a precog understanding of what is about to occur or is occurring with each moment during important 'downloads' of information. When asked a question about a topic that they do not know much about, information will just flow from the amazing connection that they can have with Source/Heaven/Universal consciousness. They will look at things and say wow how did I totally know that, without the skill to be learned professionally. They may have been called Know it Alls - or big headed or all the various names that come with having a sense of awareness and having the ability to speak their mind. They can be outcasted and feel like an outsider at times because people do not always welcome being told something that they do not wish to face.

However they are also amazing friends if you allow them into a life - a 'go to' person for when people want advice or a source of clarity from. They can be good listeners sometimes, however they generally have the answer for you before you have even finished explaining things to them in its entirety.

Any of this seem familiar to you? I know it does for me personally because I am a Knowing intuitive and have been called all the know-it-all names under the sun. Now I know why and also because I have embraced this - I am finding other clairs are developing.

Much love to you

A person who feels deeply - empathic?

Those people who have struggled with emotion most of their lives are generally people who feel so strongly not just their own feelings but also everything and everyone around them. Sometimes it feels as though you are the major extreme when it comes to which emotion you are occupying today. Just like having all seasons in one day, these people can all key emotions in one day - happiness, sadness, anger, bliss - and it can make them feel as though they completely off the emotional grid and out of control. When they become more aware of how to control their reactions to life - then the overwhelming emotions become more balanced dependent on what is going on in life.

Sometimes they have a tendency to be over reactive but this is not a bad thing - it is their way of releasing the intuitive energy so that they may be in the moment with clarity. They can really be very hard on themselves during times of heightened emotion however as long as they are able to voice their emotions without judgement they can generally start to make sense of the reasons behind the emotion. When they can do that - being an Empath can be very rewarding as well as useful in assisting those around them, and also themselves.

Awareness of being an Empath and how they observe and absorb all energies not only their own , but those around and universally - is the key factor to understanding why they are how they are. Determining which is their own emotion and which is others/universal is important. This allows them to ensure that they can shield from others energies when their own emotions take control (more on shielding in the week)

Do you find that you have overwhelming emotions and reactions to anything and everything ? do you feel deeply ?  How do you cope with ?


A visual person?

There are those people who when they look at something, they know that it is off balance or that there needs to be something that has to be addressed. A visual person can with just a quick glance take a look at someone or an environment and know when there is an action that needs to take place. Some will see events before they actually occur within their minds eye. Those people will also have extremely vivid dreams and are strongly encouraged to have dream journals. 

They will also be drawn to symbols - things will stand out - almost as though it comes into extreme focus as they look at something/someone. Symbols are something that will call to them from time to time and they may feel the need to investigate the symbol and to what it could mean however they are strongly encouraged to take a look within , rather than mr google :)  to determine what the symbol actually means for themselves.

They will be very interested in the colors of the world and how they are all integrated - they will also get a feel for a place just by these colors - and dependent on the color they will also know what is needed to be put into this environment to liven it up - or tone it down dependent on what is needed. These people may enjoy creative arts especially involving painting , drawing , graphic art , interior design, landscape artists for an example.

Things make sense to them more when they can see something - rather than hear about it so they are people that learn from seeing rather than from doing initially. 

These people will also have the ability to see 'aura' with practice if they are not innately doing it already - people will have a certain color - and they will understand and know it as soon as they walk into the room, they will see it straight away. Nothing much can be hidden from these people - they can tell a lie from the truth just by looking at you. They are people that always look deeply into anothers eye - almost to see their soul and people find this uncomfortable at times because they see with clarity the reality behind the illusion.


Do you prefer to Hear from the horses mouth?

These people can hear intergrity , truth , and knowlege in the things that they hear or are being told. They also the ones that really rely on their inner voice - the little being that lets them know things by telling them the path to take. These people will be drawn to music and sound - some may even find sound to be oversenstive at times that it is just too much. They know what sounds good and what doesnt. They are not a fan of loud noise or sudden noises for it makes them tense up and be on guard

Those who work within their auditory senses find that just by listening to something they can actually 'hear between the lines' of what is really being saying by the nuances and inflection of tone and voice. They can ultimately be the human version of a 'truth detector' so even attempting to lie to these people will never work. They will hear it straight away.

These people will enjoy sounds of all types but will have specific sounds that they do prefer and that which they stay well clear of. Even listening to a song will take them on an amazing journey that their intuition will take them on and through this they can determine the next part of their journey.

When they become more aware of their inner voice and start to listen intently then they will find that the voice will become stronger and not so timid. At times they will be overwhelmed with a ringing sound in their ears  - or their ears will feel like they are under water. Some experience terrible ear pressure or pain. If that is the case that means they are either not hearing something that they need too OR they need to start listening more intently. These people can control this intense information that they receive through hearing - but may need to ask that the intuition line be turned down a notch or too until they get used to working with the direct communication that they are receiving.

Blessings and much love - so are you 'listening ' hehehe

Do you like to touch to help you connect ?

From the moment these people are born , they respond to touch - either what they give to others or what they receive from others. They can also tell what is going on with someone with just touching them, as brief or as long as they are in contact. There is much in the way of information that flows when two energies come together - as you all know  - there is vibration in anything and when two vibrations come together then there is a communication of sorts regardless of what is said/ heard/ seen. Touch brings the subconsious message between two objects - inanimate or animate - it is irrelevant.

Many people who enjoy touch go into avenues of healing - whether it actually involves touch - but the opportunity to be able to help another just with a healing touch is a pull that those people strong in touch intuition - they are drawn to it. They do have a natural  healing ability for they have an innate knowing of what energies are flowing just by the touch of their hands to the person. In time they realise that touch is not required for the energy can flow freely as they learn to 'touch vibration' and allow it to flow naturally to do is magical work.

Those who are hypersensitive to touch are almost the opposite and keep people at arms length without allowing them into their personal bubble. In fact their bubble may be bigger than most because of all the information that they can glean from just being around people.

They talk using their hands and also they touch from time to time as they communicate with others. Generally their hands are warm and can even get a sense of the environmental energies just by lifting their hands up and scanning. As unique as that sounds you will find that these people do this automatically.

The more these people become aware of their innate touch ability the bigger the scope and they can actually send energy from their hands globally. However it is up to the individual and what avenue they choose to go into. They may not even be healers - they may become other professions but they will always use their sense of touch to get a feel for their audience and they will touch you on the shoulder or knee or which way is socially acceptable at the time. 

They love to hug

How do you feel about those who touch you ?  Do you mind people coming into your personal space for a hug /  kiss on the cheek ? Do you speak with your hands? Do you touch as you communicate.

Much love AND huggs <3

Phoenix Paton ©

Awareness - In's and Out's

Awareness - In's and Out's

There are two states of awareness -
  • Things that go on inside of you
  • Things that go on outside of you

People talk about mirroring but that is a concept that can be difficult get a grasp of - so I thought I would cover this today.

There are two parts to a person - that which they reflect - and that which they attract. One wonders which comes first - but ultimately the energy that resides within you takes precedence.

I do not know if you have seen concepts in social media or in like minded circles about how thoughts, ideas or some knowledge - totally resonates with you. Do you know what that means ?  Resonation is a form of frequency that is response to another frequency. Almost like creating a harmonic sound or conversely a chaotic sound bubble. This can be with animate or inanimate objects.

We all vibrate at different rates - dependent on choice -  and what it is you are wishing to attract in life. This involves not only your spiritual self but also your physical body as well. So think about all the different energies that your body and soul is creating and emanating - and how that relates with everything around you almost like a magnetic field.
This field leads to the reflection or attraction dependent on the lesson or energy that is current for you at this time. Situation  or people will be around you based on this and you have complete control of this although control is based around awareness.
So what type of resonation are you emitting? If you are experiencing harmony within your current life - then all that around you is right for your moment. If it is not - then it is either time to attract those situations/people in your life that does cause your frequency to sing.

When you realise that there is a sharing of energies occurring all around you - and that you are effected by all things that happen without or within - you can actually decide how you are willing to react 
  • Do you react based on past experience
  • Do you react from heart based or head based energy
  • Do you choose a method of action based on honoring your inner sacred space
  • Do you bring forward the Truth in any given situation ?

When you take a deep breath when you know you are about to react in a way that you know you will regret - thing of another way to approach a response that not only honors yourself - but ensure that the situation is a learning experience to fill your toolbox - rather than create more work for you to do that will in turn put MORE tools in your toolbox.

Either way and it seems like a paradox - you learn in however way you respond - however  if you like the response then it will be a learning experience from a place of integrity and truth - rather than allow your emotions to run with things :)   This is a lesson that I have learned the hard way - hard for a gemini to keep their mouth quiet during intense discussions.

If you find yourself having the same old discussions over and over and over. Make a choice to break the cycle.

Are you willing to do this ?

staying in Truth

Phoenix Paton

What control do you have over your life journey ?

The lessons surrounding your life - are there for YOU only and that is because primarily you are the one choosing your
  • direction
  • adventure
  • path
  • how open and closed you are to all things possible
  • who comes into your life and remains or leaves
  • Key factors in your life that is pivotal to your development (good or bad)
You are the person driving this bus of life even though sometimes it feels as though the steering wheel is busted and taking you on tangents OR the brakes has failed. Generally the latter is spiritually encouraged but once again you have the choice in how you enjoy it and learn from it , or prefer to take passenger of the bus and be shown around on tour.

Something to think about isnt it - so are you a passenger OR the driver? Does this vary from moment to moment?

Today I want you to take a look around - hmm although time is not apparent in the spiritual world - as a human being experiencing time as Linear - it is important to realise that you do create your space that you will be in - with each passing moment - or NOW.

From right NOW to the next moment of the following NOW.

To make sense of it - when you are doing something truly exciting - doesn't it seem as though time goes so fast ? And yet when you are doing something that bores you to TEARS - and it drags and you just keep watching the time just click over second by second

Well if you can feel your bliss , your joy , your happiness - in the moments where it goes second by second - then you have attained the ability to live in the MOMENT. As you experience life - from a place of happiness - before you know it you have achieved amazing things and gone forward to reaching your highest potential. Most people wish to do that OR you get those that are happy just sitting still and watching the world go by. There is nothing right or wrong with either approach - as long as you choose the Moment of Happiness that is right for YOU.

We all have an idea of what our Blissful life entails - oh it gets rewritten from time to time but there are key elements that we would like to see in our life. Does this make you happy ? hmmm that is a very difficult question because I do believe that as human beings - we always strive for the things that we do not have. Please disagree if you wish   <3 This is only my thoughts  

Striving is a good thing - for that leads to progression and improvement, enhancement - growth
However - seeking and looking forward makes me wonder if you can actually truly attain happiness - if what you want is never there because when you have a predetermined situation that brings you happiness - then it will then lead you to you want something else ? 

How does that work in getting a sense of completeness / peace?

Okay well - the answer is - you probably won’t - because if you are always wanting/striving - then you forget to live in the Current and having extreme gratitude for the things you do have. We forget to embrace the amazing things in our life - no matter how tough things can get - that bring you back to a place of acceptance and gratitude.

Having acceptance for how things our and feeling the gratitude for that which we are thankful for  - allows the creative manifesting energies to create MORE to be grateful for. So right at this very moment - what are you truly grateful for. Breathe - take your time. It is there - please share <3

If right now you are not happy - then ask yourself - what can you do - that is best for your highest potential - that can bring contentment and peace with your current situation ?

So right now lovelies - are you happy? Yes/No


Phoenix Paton

Monday 19 May 2014

Letting go as opposed to giving up

Letting go as opposed to giving up

We all have many things that have the ability to make us want to give up - ranging from major annoyances to absolute despair. The emotions and thoughts and feelings try to consume us. Very unpleasant tide of hopelessness. This is when we want to give up.

We do not like how we feel so want it to stop and some only see one way of doing that. But in my spiritual development and communing with my guides and angels - they have turned the three words - "Give it up" into " Let it go" - subtle difference you might think but all I can say is WOW. 

These bad feelings or experiences I did not want consuming me. It did not suit me or work in following my path in life - so I released these things I didnt want to my angels and the universe....

and my heart could start to mend again.... and it has. I personally have not had the terrible loss of a child, or abhorrent unspeakables done to me by family members like some others (sending love n light) but my life has been a source of contradictions and confusion.

Anyway in my 44th year of my life I have learned that I do not want to own the things that make me despairing so I have learned to release these emotions and thoughts - and I feel lighter. I have a 'knowing' and true 'belief' that I am going to be okay :) 

I am working within my Heartsong - instead of the Head where ego and fear can control me - I wont allow it now. My heart is the boss and speaks the truth.

It takes trust and belief in this type of - release - but the more good you see coming from letting it go - and releasing that which does not suit you or bring you joy - the easier it becomes. Eventually I am picking this will become an absolute faith that all that my 'heart' desires will manifest... not quite there yet  ... but it will happen. That I do KNOW.

you attract what consumes you the most and I choose to attract happiness, health, love , prosperity and clarity... instead of despair, fear, anger , hate , worry , concern , panic, sadness, depression.

I would rather live in the Light than the Dark... that is my choice

So the choice is yours 


Spiritual Oneness in a Human Existence

One thing that I am noticing lately - is how people who have become aware of their spirituality - blame aspects on it for what is going on in their human lives. How does this truly work ? I guess there takes a shift in 'knowing' that in all things - no matter how challenging, no matter how isolating it can feel, that we are part of a Oneness that regardless of HUMAN life challenges that spirituality is not to be blamed for this!!!! Seriously - how can something that comes from Source connection , Divine love and Perfect Oneness be the cause of that which provides emotional, physical and spiritual unrest.

That is not your spiritual Source self that is causing that - it is your Human response to life challenge that causes the unrest. Oh please do not get me wrong lovelies - I have not had an easy life - by far in the LEAST - but in the last 8+ years my attitude to life and its many challenges has changed greatly. I do not feel punished by it anymore, I do not feel as though wow how far can life really push me before I snap ? Oh wowww I just do not have time for the spiritual development cos life is so busy? Any of this sound familiar to you ?

Thing is - in incorporating and integrating both my human and spiritual side into One has helped me realise that each can support the other in times of need if you truly allow yourself to GAIN from this integration. Many see spirituality as something separated from our humanism. This Is a Social Illusion that we need to change so that we can focus clearly on the Truth of Reality - Your reality.

You create it ! Pure and simple - some know the principles of the Power of Attraction - The Secret - its all well and good knowing the principles and believing that it can work for you - and that you are WORTHY of whatever the Universe tries to offer you. Ultimately you have to accept with ease - any resistance and the vibrational flow that you are resonating out around You creates shifts in what flows near. Oh yes it may seem like constant work - but you know what. If you find that peace within that what will be will be - live in the moment - be grateful of all opportunity no matter how good and bad they appear on the outside - 

Your Belief in Self - The things you Choose and allow - and the power of your thoughts will send creative energies unbound if you give it the freedom to provide and manifest !

Artist unknown 

Monday 5 May 2014

Living in the Moment - Passenger or Driver ?

This week’s discussion is on how to improve your life journey - and make it all that you can possibly achieve for that is what your primary role is in life - to bring out in you aspects of awareness that you may or may not be ready too. Either way - the lessons surround your life - are there for YOU only and that is because primarily you are the one choosing your

how open and closed you are to all things possible
who comes into your life and remains or leaves
Key factors in your life that is pivotal to your development (good or bad)

You are the person driving this bus of life even though sometimes it feels as though the steering wheel is busted and taking you on tangents OR the brakes has failed . Generally the latter is spiritually encouraged but once again you have the choice in how you enjoy it and learn from it , or prefer to take passenger of the bus and be shown around on tour. Something to think about isnt it - so are you a passenger OR the driver? Does this vary from moment to moment?

 Today I want you to take a look around - hmm although time is not apparent in the spiritual world - as a human being experiencing time as Linear - it is important to realise that you do create your space that you will be in - with each passing moment - or NOW.

From right NOW to the next moment to the following NOW.

To make sense of it - when you are doing something truly exciting - doesn't it seem as though time goes so fast ? And yet when you are doing something that bores you to TEARS - and it drags and you just keep watching the time just click over second by second. Well if you can feel your bliss , your joy , your happiness - in the moments where it goes second by second - then you have attained the ability to live in the MOMENT. As you experience life - from a place of happiness - before you know it you have achieved amazing things and gone forward to reaching your highest potential.

Most people wish to do that OR you get those that are happy just sitting still and watching the world go by. There is nothing right or wrong with either approach - as long as you choose the Moment of Happiness that is right for YOU.

We all have an idea of what our Blissful life entails - oh it gets rewritten from time to time but there are key elements that we would like to see in our life. Does this make you happy ? hmmm that is a very difficult question because I do believe that as human beings - we always strive for the things that we do not have. Please disagree if you wish   <3 This is only my thoughts  

Striving is a good thing - for that leads to progression and improvement, enhancement - growth

However - seeking and looking forward makes me wonder if you can actually truly attain happiness - if what you want is never there because when you have a predetermined situation that brings you happiness - then it will then lead you to you want something else ? 

How does that work in getting a sense of completeness / peace?

Okay well - the answer is - you probably won’t - because if you are always wanting/striving - then you forget to live in the Current and having extreme gratitude for the things you do have. We forget to embrace the amazing things in our life - no matter how tough things can get - that bring you back to a place of acceptance and gratitude. Having acceptance for how things our and feeling the gratitude for that which we are thankful for  - allows the creative manifesting energies to create MORE to be grateful for.

So right at this very moment - what are you truly grateful for. Breathe - take your time. It is there.


If right now you are not happy - then ask yourself - what can you do - that is best for your highest potential - that can bring contentment and peace with your current situation ?

So right now lovelies - are you happy? Yes/No

 Much Love always


Sunday 4 May 2014

Why are we here ? - a spiritual perspective

Why are we here , why do we question many things about the Laws of the Universe – what it is that makes us human and what is that makes us learn to understand what it is we are meant to achieve with the lifetimes that we have on this planet – mother earth – that which some call Gaia.

Think back to the times of the ancients – and we are not talking about the ancients of the people on your planet – but of all existence. There are races of people who had various ways of wanting to achieve, learn, establish growth – and yet the way they learned varied. So it was soon decided that for people to reach their potential – then to branch of into groups of Understanding that would resonate and work with their energy fields to ensure that they do get the stimulation required to bring forward their Highest.

It was from this branching out of groups – that your Soul family was formed – and there was no hierarchy of who was better, who was greater in their development. Nor was there hierarchy within the branches of groups.  Sure people within their groups grew according to their vibration that resonated within their Soul group – their Soul Song, so to speak where everything flows in harmony. It was wise to allow this orchestral manoeuvre of being so that you may Grow.

What, you might say, is Growing?  What is the end product of this soul growth? That my dears is a definition of Linear Thought for that of a Human Being – there is No End – there just IS and with that the endless possibility of who you will be with every incarnation that you choose to develop in. But then how do we know what things to cover with each learning experience?  The beauty of your people is your emotion and your inquisitive nature – and it is this balance and need to follow through with your queries that allow your Harmonic signature to balance of the needs of your Soul people.

There are some who have likened it to what you would call the rainbow – all colours of the vibrationary spectrum. But you also have rainbows within rainbows – nothing is set, everything is fluid and in motion, and because of this, the beautiful thought forms that you create from your development bring forward exponential growth for many of your people.

So what is it that needs to be created now for your people you might ask? Cohesion / Oneness / Interconnection and this is not to say that all need think the same, this is to encourage the awareness in all of the beautiful people of your planet to come forward and allow you all to flow together regardless of difference. This is what we mean from rainbows within rainbows. For this to occur though, some breakdown of current structures will happen that have been filling many with the illusion of how things are. You are all going to break free – yes there will be casualties along the way but do not alarm yourself with this – they have chosen their transgressions and need to return with a developed awareness to move forward in their new incarnations.

It is time to think outside the social upbringing and to really think outside of the ‘square’ as many of you have so aptly attempted too. Do not feel the need to make everything fit into one box – be it ideas, thoughts, beliefs, people etc. This is not a race in who will become more enlightened or aware than the other through their own personal way. For you all will work out that way that resonates within you in which every social space you find yourself in. Feel your changes within, stop looking for proof of what is occurring just take a look within in how you respond to the stimuli without. Choose what it is you wish to align you with and follow your passion with regard to it.

Many of you are shifting, raising, and all the various names that you are all calling it to give it substance – regardless of what you call it, how you move through your states of awareness, relax because you already have the knowledge within just currently you are chosen to veil yourself to the information that is freely available to you. Do not get so caught up in explanation and definition – more allow things to be with ease for you can make it as easy or difficult as you chose.

You are all capable of such great things and can become aware of things that will allow us to work with you more and more to the point of coming and standing by you with Awe. Yes we are in awe of your work and how you are moving through your evolutionary progress for we have also experienced this within our own Soul Group frequency but our journey was different in some ways, same in others. Thank you for allow us the experience of understanding the passion that your people have with the variations that you are all working through this.

Until next time... We bless you with the Purity of Love that flows in all Existences.

Channeled message from Cheron - by Phoenix Paton